Liposuction is the most popular cosmetic surgery procedures performed, most especially since it is a safe and effective procedure, and can be used to contour many parts of the body. Did you know that in 2018, according to pasticsurgery.org, over 250,000 people decided to undergo liposuction?

Body Areas That Can Be Treated With Liposuction:
Upper Buttocks
- Liposuction can help add or remove excess fat in this area to help reduce unappealing dimpling and give the figure a more proportionate look.
Love Handles
- The “love handles” area, consisting of the waist and flanks, is one of the most common areas for liposuction. Instead of waiting for a long period of time it may take with diet and exercise to get rid of excess fat, liposuction can help achieve great results in this area, fast!
- Hips are one of the hardest places to lose fat. With liposuction, the right amount of fat is removed and enough fatty tissue is left to naturally contour the body and create a well-defined shape.
Upper Arms
- It is common for men and women to develop unpleasant arm sagging as they age, due to lack of muscle tone and excess fat. With liposuction, the underarm area is thinned, leaving you looking years younger.
- Depending on the amount of fat or skin laxity in this area, liposuction can help tighten and tone the stomach, as excess fat is removed.
Inner Thighs
- Liposuction can help contour thighs to create a thigh “gap” when standing, and to prevent the inner thighs from touching when standing.
Outer Thighs
- The outer thighs area, which is referred to as the “saddlebags”, is a common problem area for women. Liposuction can be performed in this area to enhance the overall shape and compliment the buttock’s curve.
Anterior Thigh
- Excess fat in front of the thighs may be removed to provide a more sculpted appearance.
Thinking about getting liposuction? Learn more about what to expect with liposuction, or find out if you’re a good candidate. Contact us today at (210) 494-8446 to schedule your consultation! Let us help you find your beautiful.